聖鬥士聖衣神話 巨蟹座 迪馬斯古 (冥衣) 


2010年1月發售 5,250日圓 (連稅)

4 Responses so far.

  1. KK Toy says:

    呢隻要 買啦!! 今次個樣好似夠奸
    [版主回覆11/25/2009 17:28:00]我都係嫌唔夠奸呢 ~~

  2. Warren says:

    He supposed to be a good guy deep inside and I guess that reflects to his face and does not look so 奸
    [版主回覆11/26/2009 09:30:00]yup, but still the face for this cloth is  .... I think wear the mask is better

  3. Clive says:

    口向食蟹口既旺季出冥蟹, Bandai 真係識揀
    [版主回覆11/26/2009 09:31:00]所以好期待冥雙魚有幾正

  4. Sidney says:


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