冥王神話 Next Dimension 第13話的草稿

車田老師官網今年度的最後更新, 是 ND 的黑白草稿, 是仙女座瞬同女神之聖衣 ~~~



~~ Seiya Project 2009 ~~

Updated new from Hawk321 and Sasshi of Ice Planet


I just came back to home from the event held in a Shinkiba´s club (新木場クラブ). The matsuri started with an opening cocktail and ceremony. We were inside a hall where there were two huge screens and this time there was no talk or MC a video was shown in those screens.

The video started showing on both screens playing a very upbeat song and according to the title inserted in the Promotional Viedo it is the theme for Seiya On-Line, this song is very new and new style for Seiya, catchy!

The text started appearing in the screens "Seiya Project" and it scrolled down replacing the text with "Seiya 2009" and the coming events started appearing.

First time, Teshirogi Shiori (手代木史織) photo was shown in the video. The text was Lost Canvas Project: Saint Seiya Meiou Shinwa The Lost Canvas Anime! the left screen and the right screen started showing different videos, while in the left one there was the release dates for episode in the right screen videos more complete and longer than previous event were showing. In the text of the left screen the dates were every two months and it will be a long 2009 year developing the story until book six for now (左邊畫面是有關LC OVA的發售日期是每2個月一次, 不過尚未落實), and right screen the battle of Tenma against specter and Douko versus Giganto (右邊畫面是天馬對冥鬥士及童虎對地暴星). The fights looked well and with more natural human movements nothing compared with Seiya last season, but the color I will wait for post production, for my opinion it looked like an average sunday morning anime broadcasting in tv tokyo but the cosmo was also different and I didn't like at first but it will improve. The Libra cloth was nothing amazing as everyone was expecting but it had a classic view, maybe it will turn to better with time. Animation overall is high quality but my opinion I prefer classic seiya style but you will have happiness because is Seiya as a real production with new quality and new animation than includes CG. You can compare D-Gray-Man anime in dark scene battles, as reference.

Song stills playing, second video started showing Mister Kurumada (車田老師) and The Return of Seiya text appeared showing in both screens. The screens divided again, in the left the Saint Seiya Meiou Shinwa Next Dimension book 1 and a "new episodes coming this spring" and the right screen was shown a video of drawings of episode 13 and 14 including never before seen draws of sensei showing Seiya without cloth. (ND13 & 14 制作進行中, 預計09年春天發佈)

Screen was together again and a beautiful photo of Teshirogi and Kurumada appeared and a text "Perfect Collaboration" and drawings of Touma (斗馬) with Seiya in the sanctuary appeared.

The next one was Episode G showing incoming book cover and a text saying "Prepare for the biggest battle on earth in the road to the Climax!". I didn't see clear the images but I think gold saints were fighting?

The continue showing the videos of the musical productions held in America and in Japan . I must say that I am not sure about Sega China , last news I read there were rumours about closing in Shanghai and Beijing , but after this new seiya project I'm sure it will turn well. They also announced the Seiyuu for anime, don't worry, you will feel proud. The official announce coming up next week. You can have more information in Sega China homepage and China Games BBS. SeiyaOn images will appear there for sure. (下星期將有星矢 ON-LINE GAME 的新消息!)

Sega Networks(China) Co.,Ltd.-

I have more to write about because I was writting down all the information because sasshi is a lazy girl and asked me to do it for SSICEPLANET BBS, she will come later and write her opinions too. She was very happy to see Hypnos wearing the black priest cloth.


聖鬥士星矢 ONLINE GAME 新3D圖片 !!

來自車田老師官網的更新, 是星矢的新計劃開發的圖片, 應該就是 ON-LINE GAME 了 ..... 可以看到青銅五人在聖域嗎 !?























Masamichi Amano scores Saint Seiya for Sega

Posted on November 24, 2008 by Dan Goldwasser

Earlier this month, SEGA Japan returned to Los Angeles to record the score for a new online video game, Saint Seiya. Renowned composer Masamichi Amano composed and orchestrated the music for the project, which marked the fifth time that SEGA had come to Los Angeles to record a larger orchestral-type project within the past few years.

Recording took place at the Eastwood Scoring Stage at Warner Bros., in Burbank. Conducting a 65-piece ensemble of the Angel City Studio Orchestra, contracted by Chris Tedesco, Amano's music contains strong and bold themes, with a powerful energy that conveys heavy dramatic and upbeat action.

In the booth, the music was mixed by scoring engineer Damon Tedesco, while SEGA music producer Fumitaka Shibata provided feedback. ProTools recording was handled by Kevin Globerman.

Saint Seiya will be released on the Internet next summer, in August 2009 from SEGA Japan.




In Akiba, Sega Circle is saying that they will have a corner for Saint Seiya Online Game in the famous arcade located in Akihabara, as SEGA always do for online games.



來自 www.ssyoursever.com 引述 Nicol and Jo-san 的消息, 在今期 super jump 中, 目錄欄裡透露了星矢新的on-line game 現正在海外籌備進行中, 音樂方面也是特別制作 !!!!

以下來自 basement from all4seiya

另外再貼很久之前在車田老師官網有關冥王神話有附帶星矢 on-line 的圖片...

那麼之前在荷李活錄音的是不是就是為了此遊戲呢 !?


Jump Festa 2009 : 實物圖 聖衣神話天馬座星矢神聖衣 Original Color Edition

追加聖衣胸部有個劍孔part + 劍part

Thanks for 落英缤纷


Thanks for Tokyo Hunter and Sorrento


冥王神話 LC 動畫化 小宇宙通信 vol.3 + 車田&手代木老師手稿


2009年7月是週刊少年 champion 的40周年紀念,於是在新年期間舉辦了各個漫畫家的珍貴手稿抽選,當然包括了車田及手代木老師!! 


冥王神話 The Lost Canvas 第114話

以下圖片可任意轉載,不過必須注明來自Trevor’s Blog,請尊重及維持圖片掃瞄,不得作出任何修改或轉換!謝謝合作!

Please quote the source of all scans if you take the pictures on any forum or websites. It is important to keep all the original and please do not make any changes. Thanks.

My Blog : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-trevor

摘自週刊少年 champion 09年第 4+5 期

第114話 光速拳






