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摘自週刊少年 champion 09年第 2+3 期

第113話 生存



另一方面在西藏的喜馬拉雅山,由素莉華,耶人及一班青銅聖格鬥士為了尋找傳說中的帆船而來。目的是以Oreichalkos的力量使帆船起動起來,前往天上的LOST CANVAS。



Remarks : レグルス = REGULUS

軒轅十四(Regulus)亦稱獅子座α星,是獅子座最明亮的恆星(主星),也是全天空二十顆最明亮的恆星之一。軒轅十四是一顆白色主序星,距離地球約77.5光年。在地球上看它位於獅子座的「心臟」位置。Regulus在拉丁語中是「王子」或「小國王」的意思。希臘語的變體Basiliscus及Qalb Al Asad也被使用來稱呼軒轅十四,意為「獅子的心臟」。

下一期第114話將於12月25日才發售, 敬請留意 !!!

5 Responses so far.

  1. BESS says:

    BLOG主....標題是 113 話啊~ 不是 112 話 ^^;

  2. Toma says:

    thanks for the scans! but you wrote the wrong number...chapter 113, not 112.

  3. Paul says:

    yup, unity will be hyouga in the future. by the way, trev-kun, do you think that spectre behemoth will become shiryu in the future? dunno y, but i think he resembles him. yossha! so gemini is the strongest goldie! last one to appear must be the strongest! (fire in my eyes!)
    [版主回覆12/12/2008 09:30:00]Well, may be yes for Unity ... and i hope he can be at the side of Athena against Hades.
    But about replacement of Shiryu ... I do not have any idea now yet
    I am guess if there are also 2 brothers for Gemini including the guy at Canon Island

  4. Pak Ho says:

    [版主回覆12/12/2008 22:56:00]係 ....
    希望尤尼提可以承繼水瓶同天蠍啦 ~~

  5. Toma says:

    hi trevor! I read on your blog that chapter 114 will be released on 12/25...there will be holydays in japan next week?

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