5 Responses so far.

  1. So Kai says:

    What is this ??   <30MB
    [版主回覆06/24/2009 09:58:00]dvd 的小片段 ~

  2. So Kai says:

    [版主回覆06/24/2009 09:59:00]哈, 始終同漫畫中個樣係有d唔同既 ... 呢次 ova 的人設個個差不多款囉

  3. 態累 says:

    呢套blue ray 香港有未架
    [版主回覆06/27/2009 00:06:00]我就唔清楚香港有冇鋪頭返左, 我係訂日本啊 ....

  4. poussin says:

    Great Oavs beautifull graphism and pictures thanks to TMS a lot
    [版主回覆07/05/2009 21:17:00]Yes, a very nice anime, especially for SS 

  5. poussin says:

    in France we heard that the sales of DVD was not very good !!!!! Is it right ? The Brazilians have the licence and the sales will begin around september ....... Nothing about agarumas figure ?
    [版主回覆07/06/2009 09:05:00]In Japan, the sales is in average only, not very good ...
    Well, there is no news about the Agaruma yet ...

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