又跟大家分享一下我的三四月星矢 .... 黃金神聖衣還未捨得砌呢

11 Responses so far.

  1. poussin says:

    ahhhhhhhhh thanks a lot for these pics of agaruma's figs
    [版主回覆04/10/2009 23:39:00]yes ... they are nice looking excpt the face ...

  2. Lok Yin says:

    thx a lot for the pics!! finally can see the "front" side of ikki!! every pic in the web are point at his back.....
    [版主回覆04/11/2009 10:05:00]yes, i try to take the front side, it is quite good and still cool ~

  3. poussin says:

    yes It's seems that there is a problem about there face it's right, do you know if the product of agaruma's figs will continu? I say that beacause the goldsaint are complete.......
    [版主回覆04/12/2009 00:00:00]I do not have any news about the Agaruma ... but I hope it could continue

  4. Saint Jack says:

    [版主回覆04/12/2009 00:01:00]係呀 ... 雙子月是也 + 限定星矢 .....

  5. poussin says:

    I told this beaucause of these sentence :
    「聖闘士星矢」の美麗彩色フィギュアの第四弾です。アニメ界トップデザイナー荒木伸吾・姫野美智コンビが描いた独特のラインを、造形美と丁寧な彩色で再現!最終弾となる今弾では黄金聖闘士が遂に勢ぞろい!星矢も最終形態「神聖衣」を纏った姿での立体化です。What do you think about it?
    but I hope too they will continue.....
    [版主回覆04/12/2009 09:11:00]The description for Part 4 only .... did not mentioned about the future, but well I do expect have 5, 6 and ..... ha ha ha

  6. poussin says:

    yeahhhhh I think this too, it 's about just about the goldsaint, I thank you for all and I will wait for my figs , and I hope we will have so much pack in the future(godcloth, V1, V3, black saint, etc...).
    Thanks for all and for your blog most famous in France .
    [版主回覆04/12/2009 13:13:00]Thanks for your support 

  7. poussin says:

    some pics about the agaruma's figs!!! http://saintseiyamanga.fr/index.php?option=com_kunena&Itemid=4&func=view&catid=30&id=129&limit=6&limitstart=54#5637
    It's our website of french fan

  8. poussin says:

    HI Trevor :
    - how do you write agaruma's figs in HK  聖鬥士星矢 聖鬥士彫像 ? 
    - where do you find the first pics of the announce of these pics in toysir  but where?
    thanks for all
    [版主回覆04/18/2009 11:37:00]  聖鬥士星矢 聖鬥士彫像 OR 聖鬥士雕像 <- correct in Chinese in HK ...
    Is this one ?

  9. poussin says:

    yes thanks

  10. Elaine says:

    我地都儲緊超像呀!! 依家欠vol.1既白羊咋 唔知你有無多可以讓售呢 >< 周圍都搵唔到喇已經  ..
    [版主回覆04/27/2009 08:46:00]hello, 我自己就冇重複了, 有冇去拍賣網 check 下呢 !?

  11. 人馬arhang says:

    When will you open up the 黃金神聖衣? I really want to see it.......
    how much did you get it for?
    [版主回覆06/06/2009 16:49:00]I get it 8XX as pre-order price  I will open it when have enough space first .... hope it would be soon ~

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