日期:2010年7月31日時間:下午2:00-3:45 地點:大會簽名區






5 Responses so far.

  1. poussin says:

    Hi Trevor is it an exposition , a sort of wall which would be dédicate by Shiori Teshirogi ??
    thanks for all your news !!!
    [版主回覆07/24/2010 00:43:00]Yes, this is the annual exhibition of ACG in Hong Kong. And Miss Teshirogi will come to this event on 1-Aug afternoon for a autograph event

  2. poussin says:

    If you will have one of these autograph you could scan it ? Thanks a lot !!!!
    [版主回覆07/25/2010 23:24:00]i hope i could win this big prize ....

  3. Philip says:

    Hey are you going? If I want a signing don't I have to go twice? 30th to get the 簽名 籌 and then 31st for the actual 簽名???
    [版主回覆07/25/2010 23:29:00]Of course I will visit the first and second day. But 玉皇朝 said that they have 簽名籌 available in both days, just need to go earlier to buy 冥王神話系列 ....

  4. llrabbit says:

    T大什么時間去搶 籌啊,看看有沒有機會撞到你,哈哈.
    [版主回覆07/29/2010 11:48:00]明天一早去啊, 應該會碰到不少星矢粉絲吧 ~

  5. 淚雪 says:

    T大  今年天下 出的星矢完全版紀念卡  是不是要全套22期的印花?
    [版主回覆07/29/2010 11:47:00]應該係完全版中 12 期 (不同期數)

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