星矢LC, ND, 銀河神話的新消息 !!

The coming Shounen Champion No. 15 will be a Seiya Special.

On March 11th Next Dimension continues with it's new season. The magazine will include a poster of Ikki and another of Shun.

It's officially announced LC Anime will be on TV. In the story the fight between Shion and Lune comes to the climax.

The previous holy war saints have a surprising meeting with the actual saints.
The past collides with the present, as this mixture of conceptions of a grand scale Galactic Myth (Ginga Shinwa) of love and friendship begins!

1. 三月十一日出版的champion有ND20及一輝及瞬的內頁海報

2. 冥王神話LC將會於TV上映,好像是春天時候 (留意是電視, 不是OVA形式)
還有, 在3月25-28日舉行的東京國際ANIME FAIR2010 TMS攤位會披露新的消息

3. ND故事發展到現在的聖鬥士將會與先代聖鬥士碰上, 時空交錯, 形成"銀河神話"

4 Responses so far.

  1. Hon Hung says:

    so what will be the difference between "TV" and "OVA" of LC series?
    [版主回覆03/02/2010 21:48:00]I donno too .... just put the OVA into TV series or even a new Anime !?!?

  2. P says:

    段中文一定係理解錯左人地既意思, 人地只係想將ova放電視播之嘛, 吾通个搞多個tv版, 你認為有可能咩? 錢從何來, 本來lc ova就麻麻地賣得.
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 11:39:00]係呀, 係將 ova 放在 tv 播放

  3. So Kai says:

    樓下果位: 我有第二個睇法,我認為的確係TV版,OVA13集一定做唔晒全套架啦! Then TV版就係由OVA 13集之後開始o既(不過我想佢重新黎過)
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 11:50:00]應該係將 ova 放在 tv 播放

  4. dtlg says:

    我想講...我終於都睇左少少LC OVA...我覺得畫功有問題,沒有手代木的華麗,好平面,好肥,好唔知點。我不介意它沒有以前荒木版的「漂亮」,但也不至於「沒有光采」可言(看看冥衣和聖衣的表達)。 若這樣下去,不知會怎樣.... 可能係我守舊啦....
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 11:51:00]另一種 style, 也不錯吧
    好在打鬥場面不差 ~

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