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摘自週刊少年 champion 09年第 14 期

第123話 絆


7 Responses so far.

  1. Gary says:

    聖鬥士故事廿多年以來,首次見到人馬座於現實時間戰鬥呢 (我意思係不是在回憶之中)
    [版主回覆03/08/2009 10:43:00]係 .... 應該會有必殺技吧 !!

  2. ManPatrick says:

    [版主回覆03/08/2009 10:44:00]要展示一下實力了

  3. dtlg says:

    想不到....手代木老師...幫埋青銅們翻身.....好熱血啊! 下代青銅無甚作為...最好笑就係眾人保護星矢家姐... 上代就眾志成城保護隻船! 好睇!
    [版主回覆03/08/2009 10:45:00]呢個鋪排 ok 呀, 不過耶人的實力都係青銅二軍

  4. Hon Hung says:

    其實我想知"小艾"去咗邊? 無理由比天雄星"秒"咗嘅...
    [版主回覆03/08/2009 10:46:00]唔, 我都想知
    好似由素莉華咁, 行動咁慢 !?!?

  5. Hizack says:

    [版主回覆03/08/2009 10:47:00]三巨頭戰鬥應該都好激烈下 ....

  6. Justin says:

    人馬座應該會 用 必殺技- ATOMIC THUNDERBOLT
    上代 出過一次

  7. Paul says:

    thanks for another and many quick uplaods trev-kun. i think regulus will make it to the lost canvas because there is a pattern that, if you are young, you will make it to almost the end. i think sisyphus will have "infinite break" or some new jutsu, like from episode G. cant wait for gemini dude!

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