2008年12月下旬發售, 5040日元(連稅)


5 Responses so far.

  1. SkyBlue says:

    One more comment about this Hagen. His shoulders armor is too flat compare to what its suppose to look like..Hope they will improve their model making accuracy from their next product.!

  2. Sidney says:

    [版主回覆10/31/2007 10:53:00]係 ... 呢點係比較失望的

  3. SkyBlue says:

    Absolutely agreed and also his shoulders armors isnt a bit too flat?!
     I rekon manufacturers of Bandai in China is trying to make profit, have you notice the material of their figure model is getting worse? The joint between the hand and the lower arm is far to weak and easy to break compare to the first generation figure model when they first released myth cloth series.
    looking back their comment about "improvement and evolution" of their figure model, looks like they are using our money and passion about saint seiya character to test their product experiment.
    Em...I hope somebody can bring this up to Japan Bandai HQ...

  4. Elljay says:

    [版主回覆10/31/2007 14:07:00]看過你的分析 .... 都有道理
    不過我覺得似真 ......

  5. Anonymous says:

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