發售元 : COSPA

青銅聖鬥士T SHIRT

2007年7月下旬日本發售予定 圖案以青銅的顏色以箔印刷, 做出閃亮的效果

¥2,900 (連税 ¥3,045) 

黃金聖鬥士T SHIRT

2007年7月下旬日本發售予定  圖案以黃金的顏色以箔印刷, 做出閃亮的效果

¥2,900 (連税 ¥3,045)


黄金聖衣マグカップ 直徑7.8CM × 高 9CM

2007年8月上旬發售予定  圖案以黃金的顏色以箔印刷, 做出閃亮的效果

¥1,000 (税込 ¥1,050)

4 Responses so far.

  1. Sidney says:

    I've seen it in Sino Center before, but very expensive. I think that shop closed down already!!

  2. - says:

    wasnt there a similar one like the gold saints already? but i kinda like the bronze!

  3. Trevor says:

    Yes, there is a similar design for the Gold Saints. But this time, the printing is different, it is shinny gold and shinny metalic for bronze tee. Seems much more attractive

  4. - says:

    nice! but its always so beautiful, that i dont know if i will wear it after i buy it

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