正式於今年 12 月放送

・PPV160ch., 各話30分×2話構成×3回。全6話。


6 Responses so far.

  1. - says:

    these 6 eps will not end the whole inferno chapter right?

  2. Trevor says:

    係, 故事只會到 [嘆息之牆], 不過都好期待 ~

  3. - says:

    Re Trevor: o ok... a little dissapointed but still great anticipation! now we have to wait again... just wait... nothing we can do...

  4. 小白 says:


  5. Trevor says:

    Re 白衣遊俠 應該說, 星矢冥王編動畫係分開 1. 冥王十二宮編, 共 13 集 (2003)                                                         2. 冥王冥界編前章, 共 6 集 (2005)                                                         3. 冥王冥界編後章, 共 6 集 (2006) 個人估計仲有之後的故事至尾 .... 不過又唔知要幾耐啦

  6. 小白 says:


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