星矢的黑膠唱片Single, 只有出過3張

聖闘士星矢 ペガサス幻想

聖闘士星矢 聖闘士神話 ~ソルジャー ∙ ドリーム~

聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年 YOU ARE MY REASON TO BE ~愛は瞳の中に~

3 Responses so far.

  1. Philip says:

    I don't have a record player but my uncle did. The sound was awesome!! :D
    [版主回覆02/24/2013 07:27:15]Really ?! I don't have such player to play ......
    But will post the cassettes and CDs later

  2. cogedor barato says:

    thank you so much for sharing
    [版主回覆03/02/2013 15:59:22]thank you

  3. Cartifull says:

    Muchas gracias por las imágenes.
    Awesome collection!

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