來自冥王神話 The Lost Canvas 動畫版 OVA committee 的 sasshi, 在外國網站回答了冥王神話 fans 有關此 OVA 的問題 .... 內容很豐富, 現在謝謝 HERA 幫手翻譯了原本是西班牙語成英文, 如有錯漏請見諒


NOTE : All below answers do not represent the final desicion from TLC Production. She write but is not definitive and this can change in the future. She respond in accordance with her alowed. The question should be only from TLC anime.

1. Why decided release the ova in DVD & Blu-ray and don't release on TV?

At the begginig we want to produce for tv company with Full HDTV to release TLC anime more fast, but in this case was for "investment-time-price-quality", on TV looking for more speed with a drawn and scene more fast to reproducer, then we want to take care for the atmosphere from the TLC's original idea. At the final, if today was on TV, today there isn't TLC anime because it need more chapters and possible there are more permissive into production free from actual comittee.

2. What spectatives you has about this new anime in Japan?

The market research has suggested that it can produce two seasons of TLC taking profit, the sale of manga in Japan has been the best sign for us, access to the official site and the impact from the campaigns. We have change the target of Shounen champion's reading:

where the porcentage of female readers has increased and the age of readers has decrease, with age from 12 to 18 years old, someone work and the others are high school students, this new reader is the "Seiya fans" that we are searching, a new generation as part of the evolution of Seiya.

3. Are there a big interest in obtaining the lincese of the anime in other countries?

Yeah, there is interest and we proportion facilities to doing bussiness.

4. Does Bandai has big interest on release a line up to continues with Myth Cloth based on this anime?

The team has asked us for five characters's layouts: Tenma, Yato, Yuzuriha, Sasha/Athena and Alone/Hades. With the time, the price of Myth has grow like in this graph:

http://i41.tinypic.com/260flmu.jpg  So, the sales has increased too, joining two ideas will bring good results.

5. How do you see the Japanese public's reception front this new OVA?

Very good, the ticket to Public Premier is almost finished, the web site has a lot access, and in the email has send us a lot questions and asking for the cast (seiyuu) too.

6. In addition to the DVD & Blu-ray, will you make another kind of merchadising?

There are two CDs in production, there is figure and goods too.

8. The aggregates that have been made to OVA and the Teshirogi said it, will continue doing in the next volume?

Yeah, as you must to know, there are new scenes in anime that there isn´t in manga and there are scenes in manga that there isn't in anime, and the scenes that don't incluide has chosen to be in CD Drama.

9. What has been the involvement of Kurumada about this OVA?

He has written the ending theme of TLC, has advised the production and he is a member of TLC Committee.

12. Why the OP "Realm of Athena" is English?

It is a symbol of seiya's evolution.

13. Has long will be the 13 OVA?

Hint: LC

14. If the ovas will have succeed, when you have planned the proyection the next animation?

It depend of many things, can proceed inmediately or possibly in autumn 2010 exist a Revival Boost and later TLC Season 2.

16. In the Cosmo News Radio is planning to make some dialogues of LC?

Have been made.

17. Is there the planned release this OVA in anothe form like Online, Official Web site, anothe company, by suscription?

Maybe on demand.

18. The sale from LC manga volume has increased with the news about this animation?

Yeah, TLC Anime has brougth more readers.

19. Can the OVA may be issued by TV free? What TV company has shows interest to do that?

Hint: Someone wrote in another place "why it said -tv size- in track name of TLC Theme Song CD?

20. Do you have more information about TMS and Bandai are working on the license Myth Cloth?

The social relationship between two person from figure, TMS, miss Teshirogi and Kurumada is very good. Went it send  drawings layouts Myth Team, they make picture after made selecting and then approval, the idea is to make the possible figures but the waiting time is long, perhaps don't come another figure form TLC in 2009.

21. TMS will put impediment to approve thing like the "hispanicization" to theme from LC to Spain and Latinamerica, have in mind that there isn't a japanese version of the opening?

In my opinion, TMS is more accessible that Toei Animation.

最後, 如果各位 fans 有任何有關冥王神話 LC OVA 的問題也可以在那網站留言或者在此留言, 我也嘗試轉給 SASSHI 呢

4 Responses so far.

  1. poussin says:

    ""The team has asked us for five characters's layouts: Tenma, Yato, Yuzuriha, Sasha/Athena and Alone/Hades""  
    [版主回覆06/03/2009 23:55:00]At least have the idea who will be release for LC series .... for these new new characters

  2. P says:


    . 將會有兩季LC OVA?
    . 咁E+發行緊係第一季? 第一季幾集? 13嗎? 還有現在只出了一隻蝶得一集咁大把? 
     感覺好實驗性質,反應吾好隨時摺得. 吾做得成TV版又係錢既問題,點解十幾年前就有TV版,好多集個隻, 十幾年後只能做OVA ? 點解人地乜野火影之流又可以有TV版水蛇春咁長? 
     最關心係天界篇, 不如你問下佢幾時有天界篇OVA 好過.
    [版主回覆06/03/2009 23:54:00]我都可以解答到你部份問題 ...
    1. 係, 一開始就計畫左而家 13 集係 season one ....
    2. 第一季的確只有13集, 隔月推出 2 集, 第6個 round 一次過出 3 集
    3. 先出 season one 應該都係測試市場反應啦 .... 始終而家星矢係日本並唔係一線 hit 的動畫, 希望可以大熱起來 ....
    4. 天界篇動畫版, 我都希望會有呀 .... 大家都只有等 ....

  3. poussin says:

    arg, until the 24Th it will be long to wait the OAVs

  4. King Chong says:


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