7 Responses so far.

  1. Richard says:

    d角色個樣畫得好成熟(老) !!
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 12:13:00]幾似番漫畫 .... 薛安應該好快會 update ~

  2. dtlg says:

    可能仲研究梗...金髮定綠髮.... 網友們!究竟您鍾意金髮定綠髮的薛安!
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 12:12:00]動畫來說, 個人比較喜愛綠髮的薛安

  3. poussin says:

    yatttaaaaaa excellent this website promise good news for the futur but Dohko has a strange head
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 17:48:00]I think he is not bad ... like a elder brother of Tenma

  4. Toma says:

    "hi trevor! when will you upload on your blog chapter 113's scans? thank you"

  5. Paul says:

    yurihiza's face wnats me wanna tell her: WAKE UP, you look like jay chow! lol. i cant wait for the anime for lost canvas! thanks trev-kun
    [版主回覆12/12/2008 09:25:00]Agree ... a really sleepy face

  6. c w says:

    [版主回覆12/18/2008 09:26:00]我認同呀, 希望有多 d 朋友都喜歡呢個故事喇

  7. P says:

    女神, 個口好大, 同荒木畫既櫻桃小嘴差好遠.....我吾鍾意呢種類型呀.
    [版主回覆12/18/2008 09:27:00]我又覺得 ok 喎, 因為同漫畫, 即是手代木畫的都很相似 .... 期待中

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