來自 supersasshi 及 Ice Planet 的消息, 車田老師的冥王神話 NEXT DIMENSION 正在制作中, 片中有亞瞬的出現 !!!


The voice-off lady talks about the work place of Kurumada-sensei and they are working on the production of the all-color series Saint Seiya Next Dimension Meiou Shinwa. Then Tennou asks Kurumada-sensei if that person is Shun, and he replies "Yes, he is".





4 Responses so far.

  1. Clive says:

    亞舜r~ 正!
    However, is it a comic? or OVA?
    [版主回覆10/08/2008 21:00:00]當然是漫畫連載, 車田老師用了兩年多的時間才畫了 12 集 .....

  2. Lok Shu says:

    next dimension 不看也罷,跟本在原地踏步,論故事及畫功TLC好多了
    [版主回覆10/08/2008 23:21:00]看看車田有什麼攪作 ....

  3. dtlg says:

    最恐怖的是..車田老師好像沒有了創作的能力.... 我之前已發表了我對ND的看法...比較起TLC...莫說ND...我有點覺得連原本的星矢都有點不及... 支持TLC動畫化!為黃金們抱不平!

  4. c w says:

    [版主回覆12/08/2008 09:39:00]彩色化的連載真係一個失敗 .....

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