各位好, 小第 Trevor 今日建立左呢個 BLOG, 分享聖鬥士星矢的新聞, 產品等等, 可以大家交流一下 ^^

6 Responses so far.

  1. Cybergundam says:


  2. Trevor says:


  3. - says:

    this blog is a must bookmark!

  4. SkyBlue says:

    终于弄懂怎么回了~~ --我真小白 T大加油

  5. nippon_bujutsu says:

    Hi Trevor.
    Sorry that I can not read or write Chinese.
    Could you please teach me where to download Saint Seiya Manga in Japanese (raw manga)? I mean the Sanctuary chapter, Poisedon Chapter, Hades Chapter, Zeus Chapter,... . I found Meiou Sinwa Chapter in your blog. Thank you very much.

  6. Cheuk Hin says:


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